
What should I ask my Brand Promoters to amplify?

We recommend amplifying your most important, newsworthy content, such as major sales, big events, high-profile promotions, or other significant updates about your business. Think about what your fans will want to share with their networks and spread the word about.

It is essential to be mindful about reaching your promoters and to keep them happy and as excited as ever to share your updates. Therefore, the Promoter Alert works on a 1-hour timer and is delivered as a summary of the activities you amplified in that window of time. So, your Promoters only get alerts when you amplify something, and not more than once per hour.

We urge brands to use this powerful feature sparingly and with consideration for your advocates’ mailboxes—the last thing you want is to turn your biggest fans into upset customers by flooding them with irrelevant or overly regular notifications.

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