About Us

Our Story

As digital marketing tools exploded into the hands of mainstream users, we noticed how the number of silo'ed, standalone tools and disconnected analytics frustrated marketers and businesses who simply wanted to market more effectively across multiple channels.

We witnessed people's frustrations, knew there had to be a better way, and began our journey to create an easy-to-use, integrated, and affordable marketing system for the rest of us.

Bringing together decades of early-stage business, marketing, SaaS-platform, and data analytics backgrounds, our team understood the pain points caused by using disjointed "bits, pieces and standalone components" for digital marketing. Our collaborative system exists to bring small businesses together and solve the hurdles created by the ever-changing digital marketing landscape.

IntellaSphere is designed to help simplify the lives of small businesses, marketers, content creators, entrepreneurs, and non-profit organizations by helping you build brand awareness, brand loyalty and harness word-of-mouth using our platform’s collaborative marketing tools to amplify the success of your key marketing activities.

IntellaSphere Platform

Digital Marketing has become increasingly fragmented, time-consuming, and complex. IntellaSphere's mission is to make marketing easier, integrated, collaborative and intelligent

Reduces Marketing Complexity, Saves Time & Money, and Improves Marketing Results

IntellaSphere’s Brand Affinity Marketing System eliminates the need for multiple marketing tools. It delivers immediate ROI for businesses by saving time and money while improving marketing results.

Amplifies the Success of Your Key Marketing Initiatives

IntellaSphere helps businesses harness word-of-mouth by turning their supporters into Active Brand Promoters  to help maximize the success of your key marketing initiatives.

Delivers Easier-to-Use Capabilities

IntellaSphere is digital marketing for the rest of us! It’s practical and straightforward to use. It brings you the power of enterprise marketing systems -- No Ph.D required.

Seamlessly Provides Virtually All the Marketing Tools Needed to Grow a Business

We encourage you to optimize your marketing success by using our integrated marketing system to its fullest potential.

Take Advantage of Free Digital Marketing Education and Training

IntellaSphere helps you market better, faster, and smarter by providing FREE digital marketing education and hands-on training. So you don’t have to go it alone!

The IntellaSphere Platform utilizes tomorrow's cutting-edge technology to help today's businesses and marketers across a variety of industries.

The IntellaSphere Platform provides unrivaled tools for small businesses of every kind. There is nothing like anywhere.  There is no substitute.


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