
Posting with IntellaSphere

The Posts lab is a one-stop command center for all your social media activities. 

Watch our video to learn how to distribute your marketing content to any of your social channels, with IntellaSphere.

Simply connect your social profiles in Settings to begin creating and sharing posts across all channels from one place. You can share every post across channels, amplify it through your promoters, and view its analytics.

You can find your posts in the Published Tab. Here, you can quickly see your fans’ reactions and engagements for each piece of content you share.

The Social Feeds tab collects what the people you follow are posting about, so you can engage (like, comment, or share) with your network and their content.

The Pending tab allows you to collaborate with other colleagues on your company posts. Draft up a post and have someone review and approve it before it posts to social media. Your colleagues will receive notifications when you mark something for approval, so no need to go back and forth on email.

Create a Post with IntellaSphere: You can post text, photos, and videos to your social media accounts. Currently, posting is supported for Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can also create blog posts and add them to your WordPress, Blogger, and/or Tumblr.

When creating a post, make sure to take advantage of the built-in URL Shortener. When you add a link, you can edit the metadata and preview image by clicking the preview on the right. You can also schedule posts, as well as keep track of Topic/Geo Target tags and notes for internal monitoring.

Click on Posts inside Settings to connect your social media profiles. You can also customize what you see in the Lab to fit your company’s needs. 

Want to learn more?  
Social Media Marketing (tutorial)
What can I do with my social profiles?
How do I manage a blog through IntellaSphere?
What if my profiles are already connected to another social media tool?
What is social amplification?

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