Offering Trust, Through A Guarantee

How do you know which brands to trust?

Consumers are faced with responding to brands on a daily basis. The next time you watch TV, whether live or on demand, try counting the barrage of commercials and brand mentions. While you watch, also notice how many businesses offer some kind of guarantee. It’s far less common, right?

We believe guarantees work, wherever they are offered and fully supported.

Guarantees are smart business

Check out the Fit Body Boot Camp guarantee, prominently displayed on this franchisee’s website. What’s so great about this one in particular? It’s bold, bright, friendly and caring. And most importantly, it gives a sense of comfort to consumers who are choosing to put their faith in this brand.

Create trust upfront

A good, old-fashioned product or service guarantee is authentic. Depending on what you can reasonably offer, tailoring and presenting a relevant kind of guarantee should make your business stand out. When a business cares enough about customers to promise their satisfaction, even if broadly defined, trusted relationships form even before the purchase commitment has been made.

Give reassurance

Depending on the business, guarantees are about differentiating rather than merely matching competitors. You may offer a full or partial refund, product replacement, gratis products, price matching or other benefits. Your guarantee should provide consumer confidence and “make good” if and when results don’t meet expectations.

What to guarantee

Choosing the right guarantee depends on your business goals. Do you want customers to feel confident about buying anything from you? Would you prefer to focus on specific products or services? Does delivery time and set-up matter? Should customer service fit in the picture? Just remember that your guarantee reflects your brand and ethos.

Make your business compete. Offer a guarantee and stand behind it. #GuaranteesGainCustomers

by Amanda Worrall, Jan-17-2019

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