How Is E-Commerce Really Doing?

Businesses owners should keep up with e-commerce insights.

Whether you sell online or simply engage there with prospects and customers, we want to share news which affects us all.

  • Americans spent nearly four trillion dollars on retail sales last year, with 87 percent in stores and 13 percent online.
  • Overall U.S. retail sales grew some 5.3 percent (3rd quarter vs. last year) while e-commerce grew at a 14.5 percent clip.
  • Due to a Supreme Court ruling, e-commerce businesses earning over $100k sales in a state will get taxed there.
  • Digital-only retailers are branching out and starting to add a physical-store dimension.

It’s impossible to ignore how e-commerce has literally changed the bricks-and-mortar landscape. Today’s retailers already know they must establish (and pay for) digital beachheads on Facebook, Google and sometimes Amazon.

Businesses now live in both worlds, and should think about optimal online vs. off-line balance. What do you sell? Where are you located? Who do you want to reach? Do you sell online? What are your views about the consumer experience?

Retailers who operate physical stores naturally interact with shoppers. Given e-commerce momentum, owners also need to create two-way connections with fans, prospects and customers online. Since digital-only retailers depend on virtual engagement to grow sales, why not you?

Make a New Year’s Resolution: Actively communicate with your brand fans.  #CompeteDigitally

by Debby Richman, Dec-24-2018

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