
How do I use templates?

Templates allow you to create uniform structures for your emails, messages, and posts which you can reuse to easily apply formatting to the content you create and distribute. You can create templates for emails, text-only messages, and web posts, and select whether you want to use the template to promote your content, or to follow up after users have engaged with it. There are two types of templates available:

Static Templates allow you to lay out and edit a variety of blocks, combining graphical elements and actionable engagement elements (think of them as pieces of offers, events, forms, and other engagement types). This way you can communicate with your audience exactly how you want to—if you would like to share an event invite with an embedded registration form, a “contact us” field appended to your newsletter, a combined event with offers, or anything else, you can create a Static Template and take your messaging to the next level.

Dynamic Templates are distribution templates that have a sub-type related to the primary engagement it is hooked up to. If you want to communicate your offers or events in a certain way or to add elements, dynamic templates allow you to do so, and when you distribute an engagement over social media or email, you can select a dynamic template, and the template will be pre-filled with information from your engagement!

Once you create your template, you can send it directly (if it’s static) or (if it is a dynamic template) head to engagements, select an engagement to distribute, and select the template when prompted (dynamic templates are separated based on engagement type and whether they are for outreach or a follow-up). It’s that easy to guarantee that your future communications are consistent, uniform, and visually pleasing.

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