
How can I manage an event with IntellaSphere?

IntellaSphere includes a comprehensive Event tool, which allows you to appealingly let your customers know about your upcoming events.

The tool is pre-configured for over a dozen in-person and virtual event types, making it easy to set up a wide variety of events which best fit your needs and to include elements relevant to you, like event-specific promotions, speakers, venues, sponsors, and online broadcast details.

If your event requires tickets, you can link to a ticketing service, or you can connect an Offer engagement to the event, allowing you to promote special pricing for subscribers, members, and/or customers. IntellaSphere’s flexible signup forms also give you the option to manage RSVP lists straight from the app, and then to easily retarget event attendees for future communications. 

Finally, you can make your event page stand out with features like a countdown timer, a map of the location, and a calendar widget showing your past and future events.

Whether you’re hosting a small reception or a massive multi-day conference, IntellaSphere Events make it easy to get the word out, so you don’t have to worry about filling every seat and ensuring that any occasion you host is a roaring success.

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