
7 Strategies to Drive More Backlinks to Your Healthcare Website

If you are a healthcare provider, you may be struggling to understand the importance of backlinks.

Backlinks are a vital strategy for getting your website ranked higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). All this means backlinks help drive new patients to your website.

So, what exactly are backlinks? Well, a backlink for a given web page is a link from one web page to another. In other words, backlinks are links to your website left on other pages. There are several benefits of backlinks and some of them are:

  • Backlinks can drive high-quality traffic to your website, which can then be converted into new patients
  • Backlinks help search engines find all the content on your website to index that content
  • Backlinks of a high quality and great in number can help determine your page rank on search engines

Once you have generated unique and targeted content for your online audience through your website, you should come up with strategies to generate an increased traffic that will get you a higher ranking on search engines. Here are 7 popular strategies to drive more backlinks to your website…

  1. Invite bloggers to post reviews: Find bloggers you know and ask them to post a review of your practice, service, or website. You can reach out to patients or friends that write Blogs and ask them to mention and review you in their articles. The more bloggers you reach out to you the greater the possibility of driving backlinks to your website.
  2. Link to Insurance and Other Service Companies: List all the products and services you have used. Check to see if their websites have you listed and make sure you have a link to theirs. The possibility that this will drive a backlink to your website is pretty huge. Many healthcare companies utilize an automatic payment company that can assist with an easy backlink.
  3. Submit your website to receive feedback: There are certain website feedback sites, such as BounceApp.com and SuggestionBox.com. All you need to do is to create accounts at these sites and then submit your website for feedback. Your backlink will be automatically created.
  4. Post comments on blogs: This is one of the easiest ways to create backlinks to your website. Simply make a list of the top blogs related to your industry or niche and then begin posting high-quality comments on their blogs and sites, with a backlink in the Website Link section.
  5. Post content on relevant forums: You should identify a few relevant forums for your medical or dental practice and then sign up. You should then ask a question by starting a new thread, or then, take part in an existing thread. This will generate more backlinks to your website, which will translate into more traffic to your page and more leads.

These are just some of the strategies to drive more backlinks to your website. You can be as creative as you want and come up with unique and relevant ways to create as many backlinks as you possibly can.

If all of this sounds complicated, you can hire a specialist in healthcare digital marketing agency to help you with driving more backlinks to your website, as well as for creating an overall digital marketing strategy for your healthcare practice.

At IntellaHealth, we help you craft an overall digital marketing strategy and guide the growth of your healthcare practice in the right direction. IntellaHealth will also help you rank higher in search engine results in a holistic and comprehensive manner. Here’s to that perfect healthcare marketing strategy!

For more information on how you can hire a digital marketing agency to help grow your healthcare practice, contact Kristine Grace DDS, MS, MBA at kristineg@intellahealth.net.

by Kristine Grace, Jul-21-2017

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