
Get Noticed by Optimizing Your Blog Content

Today, blogging is a must if you have your own healthcare practice.

Blogs help you get noticed and help your practice stand out from your competitors. However, when you are writing about medical issues, it is vital that your posts get noticed by ranking high up in search engine results. However, for this to happen, it is important that your blog posts are properly optimized.
So, what is blog post optimization? It’s simple…Optimizing your blog means making sure that search engines can find and index all your valuable content. If search engines are unable to access your content, or they don’t know what your content is about, you won’t receive traffic from the search engines.

The numbers speak for themselves…The first three spots on Google, account for approximately 55 percent of all clicks and the number one spot accounts for 31 percent of all clicks. So, how can you optimize your blogs? Well, there are certain strategies you can follow to optimize your blog content. In this article, I will review six tips…

  1. Do your research: Keyword research is essential for blog post optimization. You can use tools such as the Google Adwords Keyword Tool to find keywords related to your topic. You can even find out what keywords your competitors are using to bring traffic to their websites.
  2. Use keywords in your blogs: Once you have figured out what keywords to use, place them strategically in your blog. Do not use too many keywords or stuff your article with them, as you will not only irritate your readers, but you can also be penalized by Google if you do so.
  3. Optimize your images: Whenever you upload a photograph or image in your blog, ensure that you include keywords in the file name and also that you fill out the alternate text field with a brief keyword-rich description of the photo or image.
  4. Use the right links: If you mention another blogger or article in your blog post, ensure that you include a link to the information you are referencing. This is good blogging etiquette and if you are lucky you may receive a link back. Quality links in your blog post will help you rank higher in search engine results pages.
  5. Allow readers to subscribe to your blog: You can include prominently placed RSS or Feed Subscription buttons in your blog post so that readers can subscribe to your blog. You can also allow readers to subscribe to your blog through email, when possible. This allows your blog followers to have instant notification of your blog posts without having to periodically check your site for new content.
  6. Use social media: As a healthcare practitioner, you must be using social media, such as Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites to connect with current and potential patients.

These are just some of the strategies that can be used on a regular basis to optimize your blog posts. If this sounds complicated, there is help. You can get assistance from a digital marketing agency that specializes in healthcare marketing to help optimize your blog posts.

One such agency is IntellaHealth. The latter will not only help you come up with a holistic marketing strategy but will also help you with creating and optimizing blog content on a regular basis. Spend more time treating patients and let us help you with the blogs!For more information on how you can hire a digital marketing agency for your healthcare practice,
contact Kristine Grace DDS, MS, MBA at kristineg@intellahealth.net.

by Kristine Grace, Jul-12-2017

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