
5 Reasons Website Visitors Vanish

As a healthcare practitioner, you are ready to throw up your hands. Website visitors are simply not staying on your website.

Your “Bounce Rate,” which is the percentage of visitors who navigate away from your website after viewing only one page, keeps rising. What’s more, your website actually repels visitors instead of attracting them.

So, why does this happen? Well, there are several reasons, and we shall discuss the top 5 in this article…

  1. Your website is slow to load: If your website does not appear in two seconds or less, it is more than likely that about half of the visitors to your website (47 percent) will be annoyed. If your website takes three seconds or more to load, about 40 percent of your visitors will often leave immediately, and more likely than not, visit another practice’s website. If you want your website visitors to stay, improving loading speed should be a priority.
  2. Your website is old and poorly designed with too many distractions: Most website visitors appreciate attractive design, intuitive navigation, and expert content. However, if your website appears old, out-of-date, and poorly designed, your website visitors vanish because their trust and confidence has eroded. At other times, your website has too many distractions, with pages that are cluttered with no real useful information. This is the phenomenon of too much information, and website visitors more often than not, choose to leave.
  3. Your website’s content is hard to find: If you want your website visitors to stay, you need to populate your website with interesting, authoritative, and engaging content. However, if your visitors cannot easily find your material they are more than likely to leave. They will do so, if navigation is confusing and badly organized; if information is badly written, and if the pictures and graphics are of poor quality or are absent.
  4. Your website’s call-to-action is absent: Website visitors need to be directed to their next appropriate action step. However, almost 80 percent of all small business websites completely fail to ask for the sale by posting an appropriate call-to-action.
  5. Your website asks visitors to complete too many lengthy forms: Website visitors are often put off by requests to sign in, register, or complete too many lengthy forms. Most of them want easy to find and expert information without having to trade personal information and details via a registration process. If they are made to fill out too many forms, they will simply vanish and try to access the information online by visiting another website.

So, now you know what attracts and repels visitors to your website. If all of this sounds complicated, help is at hand. You can hire a specialist healthcare digital marketing agency to help you with improving your website numbers and lowering your bounce rate.

IntellaHealth is one such agency. IntellaHealth can help you draft a holistic digital marketing strategy for your healthcare practice, so that you can concentrate on what you do best – give your patients the best care that they need. Here’s to driving down your bounce rate!

For more information on how you can hire a digital marketing agency to help grow your healthcare practice, contact Kristine Grace DDS, MS, MBA at kristineg@intellahealth.net.

by Kristine Grace, Jul-25-2017

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