
What are the ways to Distribute content with IntellaSphere?

When you are ready to distribute a campaign or communication from IntellaSphere, you’ll be provided three options for how to distribute your content. Hint: Send to multiple to make it a multi-channel campaign!

Email — Send your communications to an email list or individually-entered emails.

The first time you distribute through email, you will be asked to Set Up a Sender for your account. See How to Send an Email or bulk Email Campaign with IntellaSphere.

Social — Post or share content directly to your multiple social channels, from one hub.

Currently, IntellaSphere supports posting to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WordPress, Tumblr, and Blogger. Remember to use the URL Shortener to make the link appear neat, and feel free to edit the featured image and metadata by clicking on the preview on the right.

Web Embed — Create and place a customized web embed on your website.

You can select from a variety of formats and edit the styling; once you’re done all you have to do is click View Code and paste the script and div tags into your site’s HTML page.

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