
The Top 7 Ways to Effectively Market Your Business in the Digital Age

If you’re a small business owner, you’ve probably pondered what you should be doing to effectively market your business in today’s Digital Age.

You’ve probably already created a website, written blogs and effectively leveraged social media. If you haven’t, you should…

Now that you’ve done all of these things, you’re asking yourself…So, what’s next? Well, that’s what this article talks about. We’re going to tell you about the top 7 things besides blogs, your website and social media, that you should be doing to effectively market your business in the Digital Age. In other words, how to set up a Comprehensive Digital Marketing System…Here goes…

1) Email marketing: This should be a key part of your marketing plan. While some consider email marketing “old school”, it is still one of the most effective ways to reach your customers and prospects. You should actively collect customer email addresses and continually communicate with your customers, even if the latter aren’t buying anything from you at the time. You should also be sending out promotional emails to customers about deals you are offering them, to encourage repeat business. You should offer regular information in their inbox, thereby staying on your customers’ radar screen.

2) Search marketing: You should work to support search engine optimization (SEO), which involves managing your site’s content so that it shows up in “organic search results”. You should also leverage search engine marketing. This is the purchase of advertising in search engines, which ensures that your website shows up in the top search results.

3) Mobile marketing: This is nothing short of a revolution and you need to capitalize on it. You should optimize your existing website to be responsive. Your customers will want a site that is easy to navigate and helps them find the information they want, quickly. Ensure that your contact information and location can be found on mobile devices. If not, make sure that your site is listed with Google and other search engines. You can also advertise through mobile apps or search in order to target the right customer.

4) Group buying: In order to encourage continued buying you can offer deep discounts to your customers. This ensures that when the deal is over, customers still continue buying thereby building loyalty for your brand. However, before offering these deals, you should be careful that you can fulfill the orders that are sure to arise. Nothing is worse than merchandise not being available to fulfill orders.

5) Investing in cross-promotion: You should join hands with another business or businesses that offer complementary products and services as yours. This way, you gain access to a whole new network of potential customers. You should also think about what promotions you can offer each month. For example, if May is just around the corner, you can offer a promotion for Mother’s Day, giving moms a discount on your products and services – and growing your sales.

6) Positioning yourself as an expert: You should position yourself as the go-to person for any questions or doubts your customers may have. For example, if you run a tutoring business, you can position yourself as an education expert. If your run an online furniture business you can position yourself as an interior design expert. And so on…Try to write a column in your local newspaper or then, try to get interviewed, so that you open up your brand to a wider audience. This way, you also increase and improve your SEO. 7) Improving lead generation by offering attractive deals: Try to get your customers’ and prospects’ emails by brainstorming and thinking out of the box. For example, if you run a beauty business, can you give your customers and potential customers a free 15-minute consultation? This way they will come to look upon you as trustworthy and will continue to come to you for all their beauty needs.
So now you know how you can use various marketing techniques to effectively market your business in the digital age.

If you’re a small business owner, you can know more about the expert help you need to market your business, by clicking here: https://managed.intellasphere.com/

For more information on how you can effectively market your business in the Digital Age, contact Intellasphere at 425-283-9772 or at support@intellasphere.com

by Bruce Worrall, Aug-26-2016

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