The Evolution of Facebook and its Implications on Marketing Your Business

What would you do if you knew Facebook Ads could take a $1,000 investment, and turn it into new purchasing clients with a $10,000 or 10x return?

There are a vast number of stories regarding the advantages and benefits companies experience from using Facebook Ads as a media option, and as a community builder.

Where Facebook began:  Today, Facebook has the capability to harness the power of community “word of mouth” natural process to reach potential and loyal customers with relevancy and social influence. It began with college friends and an ever growing student community, reached out through social connections, by word of mouth to peers, siblings, friends of siblings, parents, aunts & uncles, grandparents, friends of grandparents and on, and on, across continents and ultimately around the globe.

Internet connections matter:  Villages on isolated islands actually have solar panels on their village elder’s hut that powers their only computer or laptop for connecting to the rest of the world. These villagers are developing handmade goods and selling them through elite buyers for specialized shops such as the high-end fashion houses. How do they advertise their exquisitely handmade garments from such incredible remote areas?

The global village connects: These villagers are using the internet and social media. International buyers from gentlemen’s clothing and ladies fine clothing niches’ have fallen in love with the artisan designs of small village seamstresses and contracted with them to stock their wares in the high end clothing industry, which finances the entire village with needed medical supplies and educational options.

Facebook announces presence:  Looking at examples of the implications of Facebook Ad applications on marketing businesses like your own, it is obvious that making the right moves in this area can impact your business growth as well. Even before your company has a storefront, you can test local interest with local awareness ads on Facebook. Established businesses can use Facebook to drive loyal customers to their locations as well.

Facebook isn’t just selling products:  Your posts should never be advertisements on Facebook social walls, where creative and informational topics create an entertaining style. When buying ads to the Facebook Ad commercial platform, use intensely visual, exciting photos or graphics with small blurbs of powerful product information or community involvement, event information that introduces new readers to your Brand.

Facebook isn’t everything on the Internet, though it’s a nice place to connect from the global village.

by Bruce Worrall, Aug-25-2015

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