
How do I add my logo and images to my content?

Your branding is one of your company’s most valuable assets, that’s why IntellaSphere enables you to showcase your brand as you engage with prospects and customers.

Start by navigating to Settings > Account Setup > Company Info, and you will be able to set-up your company name, logo, favicon, and a default banner image. These will be automatically applied throughout the templates you can use to distribute your engagements to customers.

The logo will usually appear at the top of your online engagements – unless you choose to override it. We recommend uploading an image which has a 4:1 ratio and is at least 300px by 75px (though a square image will work too).

Your selected banner image will appear as the default image for engagements, helping your content stand out. The suggested size for banners is 1200px by 600px, and for best results, you will want to maintain a 2:1 ratio.

The favicon is a small icon which will be used to mark your content in browser tabs, making your engagements appear more professional and unique. The favicon should have a 1:1 ratio.

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