
How do I add and see my reviews in IntellaSphere?

To add your reviews in IntellaSphere, visit Settings and select Posts & Content, on the left navigation. You’ll click on Profiles and then Review Sites to get there.

There are dozens of review sites which you can monitor here.

Now you are ready to use Reviews! Please select Add Review Site and enter your company page’s URL, from the review site.

Add your reviews in Settings > Posts & Content > Profiles > Review Sites

Keep in mind that we enable review sources and uploads depending your IntellaSphere edition:

  • The Free Edition allows: 1 review site + 5 reviews
  • The $49 Plan allows: 3 review sites + 100 reviews
  • The Agency Plan allows: 20 review sites + 1,000 reviews

To see your reviews, go to the Reputation Lab and select See Reviews from the left side panel. Click on the published date beneath each individual review to see the original review (or it’s original site), flag it for later action and/or respond to it!

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