
What can I do with my social profiles?

While the access each site gives tools like ours varies, we do our best to help you get the most of your online community. 

Posting: You can share your engagements and create posts containing text, images, and videos directly from our system (with the exception of Instagram and Youtube)

Your Posts: We pull in your posts/content from all platforms, allowing you to re-share content, track engagement levels, delete posts, and view/react to comments (where applicable/available). 

Notifications: We show you notifications from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, allowing you to stay on top of engagement levels on your social channels and follow up with new connections. 

Messages: We bring together your messages from Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, meaning you can quickly respond to requests and manage more of your customer communications in one place. 

Mentions and Leads: Our system makes sure you are always aware of people discussing your business online by monitoring and intelligently aggregating social media posts where your business is mentioned, tagged, or identified via hashtag. Additionally, we scour public content to identify potential leads and relevant influencers, allowing you to constantly grow your network and establish your online presence. 

Analytics: We combine the data from your social media profiles to analyze how your social marketing efforts are doing, track the success of individual posts, and to identify areas for improvement. 

Learn more about social media marketing with IntellaSphere:
Social Media Marketing (tutorial)
What can I do with my social profiles?
How do I manage a blog through IntellaSphere?
What are the social media metrics that IntellaSphere measures?
What if my profiles are already connected to another social media tool?
What is social amplification?

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