Twitter Should Matter For Outreach

Sometimes it feels like we’re going through the motions with Twitter.

Remember when you created a Twitter handle? Or where you first experienced hashtags? Twitter seemed like an important place to declare your digital presence, attract interest, create connections and impact your business.

Yet for many businesses, Twitter has become an afterthought: it either goes fallow or goes on autopilot. While ignoring Twitter may be an appropriate choice, we feel the need to remind everyone that Twitter can impact your influence and marketing outreach.

Here are four findings about Twitter and its outreach potential today.

Finding 1:  Twitter pulls its weight

Nearly a quarter of all Americans used Twitter last year, a social media contender among many fierce competitors. About 36 percent of users visit at least daily and the base is holding steady, with about a one percent increase last year. It appeals heavily to Millennials, who make up 40 percent of the users.

Twitter users also visit other social media:  Instagram (73 percent); Facebook (90 percent);  Snapchat (54 percent); YouTube (95 percent); WhatsApp (35 percent); Pinterest (49 percent) and LinkedIn (50 percent).

If you are looking for socially-connected 18-35 year olds, then Twitter may appeal to you. Why not try to tweet, follow, re-tweet and respond to this engaged community?

Finding 2:  Twitter appeals to the curious

The Twittersphere attracts users who are more interested in learning new things than the average Joe, says Twitter.

  • They are more likely to discover new things:  82 vs. 71 percent all U.S.
  • They are more open-minded:  81 vs. 74 percent all U.S.
  • They also like to be the first to try new things:  59 vs. 41 percent all U.S.

From what we see, Twitter has evolved from a pure social network to a source of breaking news, information and video that encourages interactions. It’s also worth noting that tweets peak in roughly 25 minutes, and this ephemeral nature is a key Twitter attribute.

Yet you shouldn’t spend your waking hours tweeting, simply for the sake of volume! Instead we suggest you thoughtfully share announcements, news and views — and a more curated approach that reflects your value to twitter connections.

Finding 3:  Twitter commenters are a bird-in-hand opportunity

Twitter reports that 77 percent of their users “feel more positive about a brand when their Tweet has been replied to.”

Some 72 percent of people “are likely to recommend a company to others if they have a positive social media experience with that company,” reports Clutch. More than three quarters of people expect responses to their social media comments, and 83 percent expect responses within a day or less.

How you address Twitter complaints, kudos or any questions will impact your reputation and business. We offer these practical ways to respond:

  • Answer publicly via your feed or privately via (DM) direct messaging
  • Try to visit your Twitter feed daily and respond to comments
  • Set up alerts, so you can address comments
  • At the very least, pin a tweet with your contact email address

Finding 4:  Twitter drives Google’s search carousels

For a long time, Twitter has shared tweet feeds widely and that’s positively impacted organic search results. If you tweet, then we’re pretty sure you have seen some tweets/links appear through your Google search results.

As an active tweeter, Google may also display your brand through its attractive, multiple-results carousel format. You don’t need to be famous or have massive followers! However you should tweet at least daily, attract an audience with topical information and communicate with other active tweeters.

For businesses choosing to embrace tweeting, it’s possible to increase exposure and drive more demand through Google’s search carousels.

Give Twitter another look, as part of your digital marketing arsenal. #BackToMyTwitter

by Debby Richman, Apr-3-2019

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