Social Search Drawing In The Local Crowd

Here’s proof positive that social sources impact local shopping.

You already know that social channels “work” when shopping locally. When someone asks for advice about buying a product or service, others cheerfully chime in with their two cents and more. Social shopping has become pretty effective online — and it noticeably impacts local search and shopping activity.

Local Search Mavens Speak

According to the Local Search Association (LSA),  63 percent of consumers who use social networks to search for local businesses end up shopping with them. This compares favorably with search engines, where 60 percent of searchers reach out to local businesses based on their results.

Among those social network searchers who continue shopping, some 40 percent visited local businesses in person, 31 percent called them and 29 percent visited their websites. Of course, this fits with our expectations about how people shop today.

Expanding From Intent To Trust

Consumer intent is the focus of major search, product and service sites, which help consumers sort through available options. Do you want to fix something in your house, buy a car, go on a vacation, or get a bite to eat? The most successful digital sources help shoppers find what they need and learn what reviewers or commenters think.

Trust matters as well, and often shoppers seek out like-minded individuals when tapping into or searching through social networks. Despite the noisy digital environment, consumers clearly participate in their own communities filled with more selective product or service resources.

Businesses Tap Into Trust

Local businesses should be relieved to learn that consumers find them through search and social networks, with opportunities to tap into trust and influence anywhere along the purchasing journey.

We see many businesses activating their digital outreach to influence prospects and support customers. Keep at it! Your efforts should pay off because business fans will inevitably share their experiences — or respond when someone in their village squares asks for sage advice.

Digital connections matter for local business. #SocialShoppingIsReal

by Debby Richman, Mar-14-2019

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