
How do I set up my IntellaSphere Settings area?

The following video will guide you through the Settings area in IntellaSphere.

Intellasphere Settings from IntellaSphere on Vimeo.

Key features in Settings:

  • Account: Check or change info regarding your account: Add new users, upgrade from trial to paid account…
  • Content: In Feeds, connect your social network accounts and also your website’s Google analytics.
  • Reputation: Add & manage your company and brand mention tracking words. Set up Reputation Monitoring – company mentions, keywords & hashtags. *Make sure that everything is brand specific to your company, for accuracy
  • Leads: Lead tracking keywords to generate prospects and leads. Set the radius – local or national, then select keywords to track.
  • Auto Responders: This can be used to interact more efficiently with your audience. For example, use IntellaSphere to automatically respond to new Twitter followers. Create then choose which auto responders you want active.
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