
Important Facebook Tools for SMB’s You Should Be Using

Small businesses have better access to their social media followers and customers than ever.

Facebook tools for SMB’s can be incredibly helpful, resourceful, and easy to use to improve advertising power. The social media giant just unleashed a number of additional tools that can help small business owners to improve their Facebook effectiveness. The social media site has 45 million business pages on it, many of which could use a bit of improvement. These tools can help to achieve that. Consider a few of the key upgrades you’ll see on these pages.

Calls to Action

One of the most noticeable upgrades to Facebook business pages is the addition of a few call-to-action buttons. These buttons include a “Call Now,” “Contact Us,” and “Send Message” icon on the page. These will sit along the top of the page under your company’s photo.

Additional Sections

Now, there are also new sections for your business page. The “Shop” and “Services” pages provide businesses with the ability to create unique pages about what their company has to offer. It’s also likely that the Shop page will have Buy buttons, allowing your visitors to easily pick up just what they need right from your company’s Facebook page.

Other Key Changes to Facebook Business Pages

The company has a great deal in the works for business owners including:

  • Improved mobile layout of their page will allow better navigation between the Shop, Home, Posts, and Services sections.
  • The updated private messaging services will improve your ability to respond to inquiries.
  • The Conversion Life advertising measurement tool will allow you to monitor campaigns that are making the most impact for your business. This is an upgrade from cost-per-click measurement of ad effectiveness.

Even better, Facebook tools for SMB’s like these are of no charge to you. They can help businesses to better target customers, improve effectiveness of ads, and help with guiding advertising campaigns. When used along with a quality social media marketing plan, these tools can give you guidance in improving your relationship, brand image, and advertising with your Facebook followers. For Facebook, these tools mean potential increases in revenue because they increase advertising sales and effectiveness. For your business, they offer the same benefit and much more.

by Bruce Worrall, Oct-15-2015

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