
How SMB’s Can More Effectively Market Their Business

Feeling overwhelmed by the ever growing variety of marketing mechanisms, technologies and customer touch points? If so, you’re not alone!

Frankly, many small and mid-size businesses are struggling with how to more effectively market their business given the plethora of marketing channels.

  1. Most small businesses need help in the following areas:
    Understanding how to best connect, engage, and interact with prospects and customers to maximize sales and ROI.
  2. Determining which channels and marketing mechanisms are most effective for growing their business.

Of course marketers are happy to try to “help.” If you’re a business owner, it’s likely that you’ve had a number of marketing experts offer advice on exactly how to market your business and explain why his/her product or service is exactly what you need to grow your business.

You’ll likely encounter…

  • Social media marketers telling you that you must engage in social media marketing to grow your business.
  • SEO marketers extolling the value and importance of search engine optimization.
  • Reputation tracking service providers espousing the importance of monitoring and building your business reputation, and obtaining reviews.
  • CRM (customer relationship management) companies explaining why you need to better track your leads and personalize your communications to prospects.
  • Email marketers emphasizing the importance of email outreach and drip marketing.
  • Mobile marketing providers insisting that SMS marketing is the magic bullet that will increase sales.
  • Promotional tools providers describe the need for coupons and contests.

Each marketer will be absolutely adamant about the value that they can add in terms of helping you better market your business.

The reason for this is, “when you’re a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail.” If you’re selling email marketing, you passionately believe in its value to help grow someone’s business.  The same is true with each of these other marketing disciplines.

The problem is that each one of these marketing tools is actually an important component of an overall marketing toolkit needed to effectively drive sales.

The challenge is, small businesses simply don’t have the time, resources, or the money to purchase, integrate, and manage all of these individual marketing components.

That’s the reason we’ve developed IntellaSphere. IntellaSphere’s all-in-one marketing system makes it easy for small businesses to have access to the full suite of digital marketing tools needed to power your business.

IntellaSphere helps businesses more effectively engage and convert prospects into customers across online marketing channels, by utilizing a fully integrated marketing system and providing weekly marketing guidance.

And while there are a number of online marketing platforms on the market, none offer an integrated marketing system that includes: Social Selling, Reputation Building and Monitoring, a Social CRM (prospect database), Promotional Tools, a Mobile Marketing App, comprehensive Analytics Reports, and a systematic approach for continuously growing your business at a price that small and mid-size businesses can actually afford. IntellaSphere Pricing

So, there’s no need to feel like a “deer in the headlights” or to limit your business; grow your business the easy way… start using IntellaSphere for FREE today!

Small business pain points addressed by IntellaSphere

  • Too few sales or leads
  • Time limitations
  • Insufficient resources ($, people)
  • Limited understanding of complex, ever evolving marketing channels & tools required
  • The need to build business reputation, reviews, customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth
  • Growing your business on a small budget

by Bruce Worrall, Nov-18-2015

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