
How to Convert Web Traffic into Sales

You’ve been there…your website is your prime piece of virtual property, but you’re not exactly converting your web traffic into sales.

You’re wondering where you’re going wrong and what you can do to ensure that visitors to your website do what you want them to do, which is subscribe to your newsletter or buy your product, or come into your store. Well, in this article, we’ll talk about how to convert your web traffic into sales.

1) Ensure that your website loads quickly: The speed of your website is perhaps one of the most important factors in converting your web traffic into sales. Every second of delay translates into a 7% decrease in conversion rate. This is why companies such as Amazon ensure that their website loads really quickly.

2) Customize your pitch / website and don’t make it too generic: While you may not be able to target each individual customer, you can definitely customize your pitch by including information in it that will be of interest to key target segments of visitors. For this, you first need to know who your target customers and customer segments are, and understand their needs.

3) Post case studies on your website: These case studies shouldn’t just talk about the goal that was accomplished, but highlight how you, as a business, has helped your customers achieve their goals. When case studies are too vague they don’t convert your website visitors to customers.

4) Post authentic testimonials on your website: Ensure that your testimonials are authentic, even if they are a tad long. Ensure that you post testimonials on the key sales pages on your website, so that visitors can take a quick look at them. Establishing creditability and trust is essential.

5) Include the logos of companies who are your clients, or with whom you have worked on your website: Showcase the companies you have worked with by including their logos on your website. You can also showcase any press that you have got.

6) Show how other people are using your product or service: Many people have a herd mentality and aren’t always as imaginative as you would like. So, if several people sign up on your website for a product or service, it is more than likely that others will, as well. This means that you should showcase how people are using your product or service. People will better be able to visualize the benefits by learning how other people are benefiting from your products or services.

7) Consider whether it makes sense to provide limited access to most users with full access only to paid users: Companies like Quora or The New York Times do this. They let you access a snippet of information for free, and then allow only paid customers or customers who have registered and signed up to access the rest of the content.

So, these are just some of the ways by which you can convert your web traffic into sales. You can get as creative as you want to when it comes to converting website traffic to new customers. Here’s to a great conversion rate!

For more information on how you can convert your web traffic into sales, contact Intellasphere at 425-283-9772 or at support@intellasphere.com

by Bruce Worrall, Oct-3-2016

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