Become an Event Engagement Expert

It’s no secret that throwing events is a great way for your business to engage with the community. It’s been a popular tactic since the dawn of time.

A successful event should increase your brand awareness and strengthen your customers’ loyalty. In turn, you’ll earn positive word-of-mouth from followers and fans who love your brand!

Event marketing is popular, for consumers and businesses alike. According to the 2017 IDC Tech Marketing Benchmarks Study (sign-up), businesses spend about 20 percent of their marketing budgets on events.

Select Clear Goals

We wonder why some events seem more successful than others. To tip the scales, businesses need to plan every detail as well as select clear goals. Are you trying to find new business, educate consumers or simply get better known?

It’s About Engagement

Remember when hosting or participating in an event, engagement is key. Keeping customers interested and involved makes the difference between them going home remembering your brand or going home excited for their TVs and beds.

Here are helpful tips to keep your audience engaged: • Have your event in a non-traditional or unique setting/space.
• Make your content relevant and relatable.
• Include interactive games or activities that relate to your business or product.
• Provide personal recognition and rewards.
• Choose memorable, helpful and branded rewards or prizes.
• Stay active on social media. Twitter is a good choice to engage and connect with attendees in real time.

Last but not least, please don’t disappear after you’re done speaking at an event. You are much more likely to be remembered by your audience if you engage with them after your talk or presentation.

Always keep your event goals in mind, as part of a mental checklist. Your audience should leave with a water stamp of your brand in their heads. Now that’s what we call a successful event! #EventEngagementExperts

by Amanda Worrall, Dec-14-2018

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