Discover the Holy Grail of Marketing...

INCREASE the reach and sales growth of your business 5x, 10x, 20x or more,
in LESS THAN 1-hour of effort a MONTH
- WITHOUT paying for advertising! Guaranteed!

Harness the Power of Co-op Marketing

Dramatically Accelerate Your Business

(with less than 1 hour of effort a month)

It’s as easy as 1-2-3

1) Start or Join a
SavingsPak Cooperative
2) Add Your Promotional Offers to the SavingsPak
3) Collectively Distribute SavingsPak

Amplify your marketing results 5x, 10x, 20x or more
with our Collaborative Marketing Tools


Your Business

  • SavingsPak Marketing Cooperatives

  • Brand Promoter Networks

Reach More Prospects – without advertising

Shift from a solitary to a socially collaborative marketing approach to exponentially grow your business!

IntellaSphere’s Co-op Marketing Platform
and Collaborative Marketing Tools


Send Offers & SavingsPaks


Collectively Promote Events


Harness Brand Advocates


Makes it easy to:

  • Create

    Create promotions, events, posts, polls, newsletters...

  • Distribute

    Market through social, email, and the web

  • Amplify

    Increase your reach and marketing ROI

  • Track

    Track & Measure Marketing Performance

  • Optimize

    Optimize your results with prescriptive marketing guidance


IntellaSphere Co-op Marketing Edition
FREE for 30-days

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